Locksmiths L&E
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Locksmiths L&E
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Auto Services

At Locksmith L&E we have specialised locksmiths ready to help you. Whether it be replacing a lost key, getting keys out of a locked vehicle, or something more serious.

Faulty Vehicle Keys

Faulty Vehicle Keys

Not all vehicles have mechanical keys, more modern vehicles often have proximity based immobiliser fobs. All of these however can fail, if you need help with damaged, failed or broken vehicle key systems call L&E today.

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Car Key Programming

Car Key Programming

Replacing a problem key should always be done before it fails completely, likewise having a spare key is always a reasonable precaution. If you need a new key cutting or programming for your vehicle, please click here.

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Lost Key Replacement

Lost Key Replacement

Copying an existing key or fob is often much easier than creating a new key from scratch. Our expert auto locksmiths have specialist equipment that allows us to create new mechanical or electronic keys.

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Vehicle Unlocking

Vehicle Unlocking

Whether you have locked your keys inside your vehicle, or have lost them and need to gain entry, we can help. We have manufacturer specific tooling to allow minimum or damage free entry, click here to find out more.

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Van Security Locks

Van Security Locks

Locksmith L&E offer a wide range of vehicle security solutions to keep your van and valuables protected. Due to the growing theft epidemic our high quality van security locks are helping van owners maximise their vans security and protect their assets.

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Car Door lock Repair and Replacements

Car Door lock Repair and Replacements

Have your car keys been stolen or lost? Are you worried someone has access to your car? Or has the key simply stopped working in the lock? Our expert Auto Locksmiths are here to help. We offer repair or replacement services for all types of car door locks.

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Ignition Barrel Replacement

Ignition Barrel Replacement

If your key is hard to turn in your ignition, do not ignore it. Our expert Auto locksmiths may be able to repair this on site. If the key will not turn in the ignition at all we stock replacement ignition parts for the vast majority of vehicles.

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