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Ignition Barrel Replacement

As we all know, car parts wear out as a car gets older, and the ignition cylinder is no exception. The cylinder itself can wear out, as well as the wafers inside the lock. Due to this wear, your key will no longer be able to move the wafers inside the cylinder to the correct height.

As far as your ignition is concerned, you are not inserting the right key. Even though this is the key that has always worked with the car, the cylinder is too damaged to work properly with the key that had worked fine. When this is found to be the case, you will need to undergo ignition cylinder replacement.

Can my Ignition Barrel be repaired?

There are instances where an ignition cylinder can be repaired, but this will not be the case every time. When there is too much damage or wear to the cylinder, new wafers will not be able to function properly.

In some situations, the damaged cylinder may be wearing down, or breaking the wafers, and it will be in your best interest to fix the problem by replacing the main malfunctioning piece.

If the cylinder can be repaired, then your expert auto locksmith will provide that service. It is only in the most extreme circumstances that you will need an ignition cylinder replacement. Some people will choose to simply get a complete ignition cylinder replacement because they are worried about the issue happening again. That decision will be up to you, but our auto locksmiths will be on hand to give you the best advice.